New York! (is where I'd rather stay. I (don't) get allergic, smelling hay.
This is friend John and his sister Sheila. Sheila lives in Connecticut. We had just seen "Boy From Oz". Our train had been late, so we missed the first 30 minutes of the show. A woman who had been on the same train, came into the theater after we did. Hugh Jackman stopped the show and asked her why she was late. _____________________________________________________ Sheila took this photo of me and John, waiting for Hugh Jackman too come out the side door to sign autographs.
Mr. Jackman graced us with his presence. John got his autograph, but it was later lost at lunch that day at Serendipity. I took this and several other photos of Mr. Jackman.
We had rented a car at JFK the morning of July 22, 2004. We had driven from NYC to Hampton, NH where we were staying at Lamie's Old Salt Inn.
John took this photo of our room at Lamie's. That's my face behind the bedpost, talking to Joyce. Do you see anything different about my hands? I don't.
OK, it's time to move on. We drove on down I95 to DC where we visited John's sister, Marcy. Then we drove down to southern Virginia where we visited John's old friends. Click on the mold spore photo to return to my home page. Click on my journal to go to the next page. Click on the journal entry to go to the previous page.
Next stop, Wasington, DC.